
Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers



Integration of multimodal information fusion and intelligent algorithms brings new insights and perspectives in improving traditional behavior assessment in special education. Fine granular and high frequency data could be obtained through an integrated system with multiple sensors such as eye tracker, motion sensor and pressure sensors. Then the data could be processed, segmented, recognized and interpreted by intelligent algorithms. Compared with traditional methods which highly rely on human experts, the intelligent system could provide an efficient and objective alternative, to enhance the behavior assessment in special education. In this talk, the speaker will introduce her research in digitalized assessment of Developmental Coordination Disorder with integrated eye-motion tracking technology, and intelligent handwriting assessment based on gaze-posture-movement tracking fusion. Copyright © 2022 EDTECH Conference.


ConferenceEDTECH Conference 2022: Inspiring & Emerging EDTECH in Special Education = EDTECH教育科技研討會2022:特殊教育科技的創新和發展
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
Internet address


傅弘 (2022年6月) :智能多模態感知系統與算法及其在特殊教育中的應用,論文發表於「EDTECH教育科技研討會2022:特殊教育科技的創新和發展」,香港,中國。


  • Alt. title: Intelligent multimodal sensing system and algorithms in special education