
朱淑豐, 黃麗娜, 陳霏, 陳源

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


目的:觀察佩戴助聽器的聽力障礙兒童在安靜和噪聲環境下的聲調識別能力,評價新研發的普通話聲調識別測試(Mandarin Tone Identification Test, MTIT)在評估中的應用價值。

方法:81例母語為普通話的佩戴助聽器的聽力障礙兒童,男37例、女44例,年齡5~12歲。按照聽力損失程度將其分為中度、重度和極重度三組。通過MTIT軟體分別測試安靜環境和信噪比為-10、-5、0、+5 dB的噪聲環境下六個聲調組(一/二聲、一/三聲、一/四聲、二/三聲、二/四聲和三/四聲)的識別得分。

結果:聽力損失程度會顯著影響聲調識別能力。中度到重度聽力損失兒童的聲調識別得分顯著高於極重度聽力損失兒童(P<0.017)。與正常聽力兒童相比較,聽障兒童的聲調識別能力還極大有待提高。極重度聽力損失兒童較難識別的聲調組為一/二聲和二/三聲(P <0.001),中度到重度聽力損失兒童較難識別的聲調組為二/三聲(P<0.001)。


OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate the Mandarin tone identification ability in children with hearing impairment (HI) in quiet and in noise using the new developed Mandarin Tone Identification Test (MTIT), and to evaluate the practical application of MTIT.

METHOD: Subjects were Mandarin-speaking children with moderate, severe and profound HI and aged from 5 to 12 years (n = 81, Male = 37, Female = 44). The MTIT was administered in five test conditions: in quiet and in -10, -5, 0 and +5 dB signal-to-noise ratios (S/N).

RESULTS: The degree of HI significantly influenced the tone identification ability. The tone identification performance of children with moderate to severe HI was significantly better than that of children with profound HI. However, when compared with children with normal hearing, the performance of children with moderate to severe HI was not satisfactory. Among the six tone contrasts, the Tone 1/Tone 2 and Tone 2/Tone 3 contrasts were the most difficult tone contrasts for children with profound HI and the Tone 2/Tone 3 contrast was the most difficult for children with moderate to severe HI in quiet.

CONCLUSIONS: MTIT could be used to examine tone perception ability of children with hearing aids. In quiet, the Tone 1/Tone 2 and Tone 2/Tone 3 contrasts are difficult to identify, while six tone contrasts are all difficult to identify for children with HI in noise. In future, the MTIT can also be used to evaluate the tone identification ability on children cochlear implants. Copyright © 2015 中華醫學會.

Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)651-656
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2015




  • Alt. title: Application of the Mandarin Tone Identification Test (MTIT) in children with hearing impairment