
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This Study collected the original audio clips of Mainland speakers Jie Zhou and Wei Zhao, Taiwan Mandarin speakers Alec Su and Ruby Lin from TV Episodes “My Fair Princess” and conducted acoustic measurements of syllable duration through Praat, which provided evidence for the rhythmic features of Putonghua (PTH) and “Taiwan Mandarin” (“TWM”). The experimental results showed that sentence-final lengthening effect existed in both PTH and “TWM”, but the effect in “TWM” was stronger. The durations of neutral tones at different positions showed very interesting patterns in PTH and “TWM”. In the middle of sentences, neutral tones in both PTH and “TWM” were similar, as “unstressed” with a short duration of a syllable compared with the full tones. At the end of sentences, neutral tones of PTH were also short and “unstressed”. However, neutral tones of “TWM” were actually long and not really “unstressed”. Copyright © 2020 中國社會科學出版社.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Title of host publication中國語音學報
Editors 中國社會科學院語言研究所
ISBN (Print)9787520384742
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020




  • 普通話
  • “台灣國語”
  • 節奏
  • 句末延長
  • 輕聲
  • Putonghua
  • “Taiwan Mandarin”
  • Rhythm
  • Sentence-final lengthening
  • Neutral tone
  • Alt. title: Rhythmic features of Putonghua and Taiwan Mandarin in continuous speech: A study of TV episodes “My fair princess”