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Dating back to the Warring States period (475 221 BC), the gazetteer is a unique genre in Chinese historiography for recording important information regarding a certain place or institute. While the genre is well known, practically none of the gazetteer experts in China are aware of a special type of gazetteer, which records the history, functions and personnel of a government department. Termed as “departmental gazetteer” by the author of this paper, the compilation of this kind of gazetteer reached climax in the Ming dynasty (1368 1644). This paper, after reviewing the history of the departmental gazetteers in the pre Ming periods, focuses on the features, contents, and historical values of the departmental gazetteers compiled by the officials at the auxiliary southern capital(Nanjing) of Ming China It concludes that these departmental gazetteers are valuable sources for studying the two capital system of the Ming dynasty and should be noted by both gazetteer experts and historians. Copyright © 2000 南京師範大學學報編輯部.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)138-144
Journal南京師大學報 (社會科學版)
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2000


方駿(2000):明代南京官署志概說,《南京師大學報 (社會科學版)》,2000(4),頁138-144。


  • 志書
  • 官署志
  • 明代南京
  • Gazetteer
  • Departmental gazetteer
  • Southern capital(Nanjing) of Ming China
  • Alt. title: The departmental gazetteers of the southern capital of Ming China