
李子建, 尹弘飈

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


"The Construction of New Village Learning School and Community" is a large-scale project which involves the partnership between local government, a local university and a non-government organization from Hong Kong, the school and the community, the city and the village. The implementation of this project is featured by an evolutionary orientation allowing local adaptation. Participants of various parties have different emphases about the goals of this project. From the two perspectives of change implementation, i.e., fidelity and adaptation, this project brings a lot of changes to local schools and communities. In future, the school leadership, social participation and evaluation strategies could be improved to facilitate the implementation of similar projects. Copyright © 2010 西北師範大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)62-67
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2010




  • 學習型學校社區
  • 目標
  • 評價
  • 取向
  • Learning school and community
  • Goals
  • Evaluation
  • Orientation
  • Alt. title: "The construction of new village learning school and community": Goals and evaluation