
李明, 李敏維, 李文俏, 高定國

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


The current research investigated how awe would affect people’s risk-taking propensity across different domains and whether the effect would be moderated by their emotion regulation strategies. In two experiments, 148 participants were induced to feel awe versus happiness (Experiment 1) or versus neutral emotion (Experiment 2). After the mood induction, participants completed scales assessing their risktaking propensity in different domains and emotional regulation strategies. We found that participants who experienced awe showed less risk taking in the ethical domain (but not other domains) than those who experienced happiness. In addition, participants with a higher level of emotional suppression showed less risk taking in the ethical domain but more risk taking in the financial domain in the awe condition(versus happiness condition). Finally, participants in the awe and neutral emotion condition did not show any difference in risk-taking propensity across domains, suggesting that awe may have similar effects as neutral emotion on risk taking. Copyright © 2019 浙江省心理學會:浙江大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)48-58
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019




  • 敬畏誘發
  • 快樂誘發
  • 中性情緒誘發
  • 道德冒險行為
  • 情緒自我調控
  • Awe
  • Happiness
  • Neutral emotion
  • Risk taking
  • Emotion regulation
  • Alt. title: The effect of awe on ethical risk-taking propensity