
蘇詠梅, 鄭美紅, 曾昭亮

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教統會《第四號報告書》(1990)提到影響學生從共同課程獲益的問題是共同課程所提供的獨立科目眾多,範圍廣泛,以致十分鬆散,而形成硬性將課程劃分的現象(頁10)。報告書提議的解決方法是把三個本來獨立教學的科目;健康教育科、社會科及科學科綜合為常識科。但是,這個把小學科學科歸入常識科的嘗試,面對不少困難,尤其當教師在任教與科學有關的課題時。本研究旨在探討近三百名小學教師在任教常識科中與科學有關課題時遇到的困難,利用問卷調查教師的科學知識、科學教學資源、教學預備工作和授課情況,以平均數及單向變異數分析的統計方法比較不同背景的教師所遇到的困難。結果顯示四大問題的存在;教師學科知識不足、支援科學教學資源缺乏、教師科學教學經驗不足和處理學生學習科學方面的困難。這些問題不但影響香港小學常識科教與學的質素,更會影響香港小學生的科學素養(scientific literacy)及阻礙他們發展思考的能力。以上各點均不利於學生面對二十一世紀高科技的生活。
Studying textbooks is one of the ways to study curriculum. Responding to the emerging need for mathematics curriculum reform in primary schools, this paper aims to provide a framework of multiple perspectives to analyze and understand the characteristics of mathematics textbooks in China, UK and Hong Kong. Three perspectives including background, mathematics content organization and teaching methods are discussed. This study shows that there are many differences between textbooks in China and UK. The author explores the ideas of mathematics education in the three places and finds that there are marked differences in concepts on mathematics and mathematics education. Copyright © 1998 香港中文大學香港教育研究所.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)43-57
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1998




  • 小學常識科
  • 小學教師
  • 科學素養
  • Problems of teaching science-related topics in Hong Kong primary schools
  • Alt. title: An analysis of the characteristics of mathematics textbooks in China, UK and Hong Kong