

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


In recent decades, researchers recommend the reform of the paradigm of curriculum and teaching to cater for educational needs in the contemporary world. Many suggest equipping the next generation with the capabilities of higher-order thinking (HOT). In Hong Kong, the Education Bureau also emphasizes the development of higher-order thinking skills in school curriculum. Hitherto, HOT is a rich concept that is under numerous diverse interpretations by local and international academics. Many educators wish to have a better understanding of the concept. Based on findings from documentary analysis, this paper analyzes the concept of HOT. It starts with analyzing how HOT is related to a change in teaching paradigm, followed by a discussion of the theory and concepts of HOT, which leads to the formulation of a conceptual framework proposed by the present author. The author wishes that the framework could serve as a reference for further empirical or practical endeavors in the field. Copyright © 2012 The Hong Kong Teachers' Centre.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)131-144
Publication statusPublished - 2012




  • 高階思維
  • 課程與教學範式
  • 課程改革
  • 教學創新
  • Higher-order thinking
  • Paradigm of curriculum and teaching
  • Curriculum reform
  • Innovative teaching
  • Alt. title: Conceptualizing higher-order thinking for reforming school curriculum and teaching
  • Alt. title: 在課程與教學中發展學生的高階思維:以文獻分析探討「高思」的意涵