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學者近年來對於教師專業的討論熱切,就教師專業內涵而言,舒文 (Shulman, 1987)之「學科教學知識」或稱「教材教法知識」(pedagogical content knowledge)漸漸受到重視。一些學者更強調中、小學教師應該以此類教學專業知識為重(饒見維,1996)。至今,中、小學各學科在「學科教學知識」的發展情況互有參差;若以中文科為例,本科的「學科教學知識」多為概念或原則性的學術進展或交流;這些努力替從事教學的前線工作者提供了概念上的增潤,卻較少實踐上的分享。 本文探討美國著名的認知派心理學家布魯納的教學論在中文教學的發展空間,以「概念獲得」教學策略為起點,嘗試結合實踐,應用於一個小學課題的中文教學中。該教學試驗為開拓中文教學多元的一項嘗試,期望為小學中文學科教材教法知識之發展拋磚引玉。
In recent decades teacher's profession has become a hot issue of discussion among educators and researchers. Shulman's pedagogical content knowledge stimulates much interest as well as response in the discourse. Many educators emphasize that it is most salient for primary and secondary teachers to master pedagogical content knowledge of school subjects. Hitherto, pedagogical content knowledge for various school subjects has been developed with different extent. The examples for the teaching of Chinese are found mostly in ways of academic and professional sharings. These sharings surely enhance the conceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge for frontline practitioners in the teaching of Chinese, yet fail to demonstrate with practice.
This paper inquires into Bruner's theory in teaching and its feasibility in the teaching of Chinese. The author uses the Concept Attainment Model as a focus of inquiry. This is followed by demonstrating a practice of the model in teaching a Chinese lesson in a primary classroom. With this effort, the author wishes to share experience, and raise further concerns for the development of pedagogical content knowledge in the teaching of Chinese in primary schools. Copyright © 2001 優質學校教育學報.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)71-80
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2001




  • Alt. title: Bruner's learning theory in teaching Chinese: Inquiry and praxis