

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Values determine the manifestation of literature. What emerges from children literature created by adults, whether they are portraits of children's lives or reflections of children's minds, reviews only the pre-set stances of the writers, their memories and anticipation of their old days, as well as their imagination and expectation towards the young generation. Can these texts communicate with the children today, portray their images, express their thoughts, speak for them, and echo with them? These are the issues that any child-caring adult society shall not neglect. Poetry is the intuitive manifestation of the feeling and mind of children. Are the self-portraits and worldview reflected in their poetry similar to those in adults' minds? The thesis analyzes poetry composed by the Hong Kong children of the 21st century, studies their ever transforming self-images, learns about the portraits, intellects, emotions and perceptions towards the adult world reflected in the poetry, and examines the essence of “children-based” literature. It is hoped that the findings can give some reference to the creation of children literature in the future. Copyright © 2009 國立臺東大學兒童文學研究所.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)161-190
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2009




  • 兒童詩
  • 兒童作家
  • 兒童本位
  • 自我圖像
  • 世界觀
  • Children's poetry
  • Children writers
  • Children-based
  • Self-portrait
  • Worldview
  • Alt. title: A portrait of the ever-changing children reflected from the poetry written by the Hong Kong Children of the 21st century