從粵語始成態 "V 落" 看粵普對應及語言教學


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本文通過對粵語動詞詞尾 “落” 的考察,論證它具有表動作始發 (開始並持續) 狀態的功能。再比較普通話 “了” 和 “著” 的語法功能,發現 “了” 和 “著” 可以分別表示動作開始和持續,於是排列這兩種有親屬關係語言 (方言) 有關體態助詞的對應狀況,發現 “了” 和 “著” 因為某些動詞的特性,都有一些不能對應粵語詞尾 “落” 的情況。倒是普通話的趨向動詞 “起來” 作補語,最適宜對譯粵語動詞詞尾 “落”。本文以此說明,漢語不同方言裏的語法概念各不相同,即使表達同一概念,所用的表達手段不一樣,實際所表達的意思也不完全對等。在語言教學中應該注意這一點。
This paper analyses the shi-cheng aspect, a grammatical function of the Cantonese verb suffix -lŋk. It has been found that the verb suffix -lŋk indicates, on the one hand, initiation of an action, and continuation of the action on the other. Yet it was, in the past, considered to be somewhat equivalent to, in Mandarin, the verb suffix -le for initiation of an action and the verb suffix -zhe for continuation of an action. By comparing relevant verb suffixes in these two languages, the paper finds that a more suitable equivalent word for the verb suffix -lŋk is the verb qilai in Mandarin when the latter is used as a verb complement. This is based on the fact that neither -le nor -zhe can sufficiently represent a combined aspect feature expressed by -lŋk. This paper further claims that there is no simple co-relationship between different languages or dialects, such as Mandarin and Cantonese. When Hong Kong students learn Mandarin, they should understand that the target language has its own aspect system that is different from their native tongue. One-to-one particle matching between two languages always causes misinterpretation of the target language. Copyright © 2003 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)115-127
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2003


侍建國(2003) : 從粵語始成態 "V 落" 看粵普對應及語言教學,《亞太語文教育學報》,6(1),頁115-127。


  • 始成態
  • 體態系統
  • 詞綴 “落”
  • 動作開始
  • 動作持續
  • Shi-cheng aspect
  • Aspect system
  • Suffix -lŋk
  • Initiation of action
  • Continuation of action