
黃良喜, 梁源

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


港式英語的音節可能具備的調型包括:高(H)、中(M)、低(L)三種,分別與港式粵聲調的陰平[55]、陰去[33]以及陽去[22]、陽平[21]相對應。本文探討港式英語這三個調型形的性質和來源。 通過提取錄音基頻,我們比較了港式英語和港式粵語聲調的資料,發現(1)H與陰平[55]一致;(2)L比陽平[21]明顯要低;(3)M與陰去[33]比較接近,與陽去[22]較疏遠。由於港式英語只有H是詞調、L只分佈在韻律句末、而M只允許出現在詞首,本文提出:港式英語僅在詞的層面上移植了粵語陰平調,但在作為節律單位邊際標記的調值上則有自己的一套。
The English spoken by many Cantonese-speaking Hong Kongers(henceforth HKE) are characterized by syllables that may surface as H(igh), L(ow) or M(id). This paper examines the possibility that HKE tones are inherited from Cantonese. Among the six Cantonese tones, of particular interest are Tone 1 which tone value is [55], Tone 3 [33], Tone 4 [21], and Tone 6 [22], where [5] is very high and [1] is very low. These tones are obvious candidates as correspondents of the HKE tones H, M and L. Comparison of recordings reveals that(i)Cantonese Tone 1 and HKE H tone overlap substantially; (ii) HKE L tone is substantially lower than Tone 4; and (iii) HKE M tone aligns better with Tone 3 than Tone 6. The data demonstrates that HKE inherits Tone 1 from Cantonese for lexical pitch assignment to HKE words, but imposes its own pitch assignment for prosodic boundary marking. Copyright © 2016 商務印書館.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)257-276
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016


黃良喜和梁源 (2016):從粵英基頻比較看港式英語聲調的性質,《語言學論叢》,54,頁257-276。


  • 香港
  • 粵語
  • 英語
  • 聲調
  • 基頻
  • Hong Kong
  • Cantonese
  • English
  • Tones
  • Fundamental frequency
  • Alt. title: The nature of Hong Kong English tones as seen through a comparison of F0 profiles with Hong Kong Cantonese