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“文學批評”是否一個“外來的意念”? “文學批評”的理解和應用,對現代的中國文學研究有何影響? 作爲一個學術史的個案,朱自清對這些問題的思考非常值得研究。早在進入清華大學任教之前,朱自清就嘗試了解西方的文學批評,到清華以後,他吸收了更多西方文學的理念。1928 年,朱自清得到系主任楊振聲的支持,制定新課程,要爲他理解的“文學”取得與經籍訓诂之學同等地位。從朱自清參與的學科課程規劃、個人研究取向和理念實踐的過程,可以看到現代的“文學批評”觀念與傳統的“國學”研究模式的對峙局面。本文以朱自清的學術角色作爲觀察對象,通過追溯“文學批評”進入現代中國的過程,揭示早期文學界對此的認知,並與西方類同的學術發展比照,以說明“文學批評”之成爲中國文學研究方法的現代學術思考。
Is "literary criticism" a "foreign concept"? What is the impact of the reception of "literary criticism" on the modern studies of Chinese literature? The case of Zhu Ziqing’s conception of the function of "literary criticism" is illustrative of these questions. Zhu developed an interest in Western literary criticism before entering Qinghua University. He absorbed more ideas of Western literature during his time in Qinghua. With the support of the department head Yang Zhensheng, he planned a new curriculum in 1928, in an attempt to make the "literature" in his concept a subject as important as classical exegetical studies. From Zhu’s curriculum planning, his research orientation and how he tried to put his ideas into practice, we can observe the oppositional tension between the modern concept of "literary criticism" and the traditional philological approach of "Chinese study". Through an examination of Zhu’s academic role, this article explores the emergence of the concept of "literary criticism" in modern China. It will be compared and contrasted with the situation in the West, with an aim of giving a detailed analysis of the way "literary criticism" has become an essential part of modern Chinese literary study. Copyright © 2015 華南師範大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)9-17
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2015




  • 朱自清
  • 文學批評
  • 文學研究
  • 現代
  • 傳統
  • Zhu Ziqing
  • Literary criticism
  • Literary study
  • Modern
  • Tradition
  • Alt. title: From modernity to tradition: Zhu Ziqing’s study of Chinese literary criticism