

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This is a preliminary social linguistic study on a Chinese idiom Chā qiáng rényi which has been going through a language change process in the last two or three decades. With the support from digital database and material on the internet it has become a true possibility to closely survey the details of the changes over a very short period, which was impossible at all while doing the historical Chinese linguistic study in the past. This explains why the author of this paper as a historical linguist is interested in such kind of research. Copyright © 2012 澳門理工學院.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication澳門語言文化研究 (2011):第六屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會論文集
Editors 李向玉
Place of Publication澳門
ISBN (Print)9789996520563
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2012


朱慶之(2012):從「差強人意」到「強差人意」:對一個正在發生的語言變異實例的初步觀察,輯於李向玉主編《澳門語言文化研究 (2011):第六屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會論文集》,(頁238-261),澳門,澳門理工學院。


  • 社會語言學
  • 語言變異
  • 漢語歷史研究
  • 差強人意
  • 強差人意
  • Social linguistics
  • Language change
  • Historical Chinese linguistics
  • Chā qiáng rényi
  • Qiáng Chà rényi
  • Alt. title: From Chā qiáng rényi to Qiáng chà rényi: A social linguistic preliminary survey on an on-going language variation in modern Chinese