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本研究的對象是參與2004年兩期中學在職普通話教師進修課程的共46名學員。研究方法包括由學員填寫「普通話教學觀念蒐集表」(Repertory Grid)及小組晤談。「蒐集表」的分析結果顯示,教師對普通話課堂氣氛的重視程度遠勝於具體的語言學習目標;而小組晤談則突顯「普通話與中文教學的差異」、「聽說教學」及「評估」等三項主題,反映這些教師並沒有注意分清普通話科和中國語文科的學習重點。這些教學觀念直接影響教學設計,以至「語言」和「語文」的學習質量,學校當局在決定「用普通話教中文」前,實在不容忽視。
This study explores Putonghua teachers’ perceptions of Putonghua teaching and examines the potential implications of these perceptions for teaching Chinese Language in Putonghua. Participants in the study include a total of 46 secondary school Putonghua teachers in two professional development courses in 2004. Data collected through Repertory Grids and focus groups indicate that the participants’ main concerns in Putonghua lessons were related to general classroom atmosphere rather than specific language learning objectives. The three themes identified, i.e., “Differences between teaching Putonghua and Chinese Language”, “The teaching of listening and speaking” and “Assessment”, suggest that the participants did not clearly distinguish the learning objectives of the Putonghua subject from those of Chinese Language. These perceptions may impact on the instructional design and the learning and teaching quality of both “language” and “literacy” in Chinese. School personnel should consider these teacher perceptions seriously before any decision to teach Chinese Language in Putonghua is made. Copyright © 2006 Hong Kong Educational Research Association.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)235-258
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2006




  • 中學教師
  • 普通話教學觀念
  • 用普通話教中文
  • Alt. title: Implications for teaching Chinese language in Putonghua: A study on secondary school teachers’ perceptions of Putonghua teaching in Hong Kong