

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


好奇心能誘發及鼓勵學習,小學生對天文充滿好奇,而常識科課程裡有天文的單元。去年教育學院與太空館合辦了一個為常識科老師而設的普及天文講座,在報名表裡,要求老師寫下一些學生曾問過的天文問題。這篇文章會報告: 1. 香港小學生提問的天文問題大概可分成那幾類? 2. 六年級「宇宙和太空」這單元的課本內容分析。 3. 簡單比較香港和外國課程裡的天文內容。 Copyright © 2000 Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publicationScience technology education: Enhancing the quality of life through science & technology: Science & Technology Education Conference 2000 proceedings
EditorsKenneth S. VOLK, Wing-mui Winnie SO, Gregory P. THOMAS
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherThe Hong Kong Institute of Education, Education Dept., Hong Kong, Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education and Hong Kong Association for Design and Technology Education
ISBN (Print)962949056X
Publication statusPublished - 2000


吳本韓 (2000):從一個天文講座得出的結果。 In K. S. Volk, W.-M. W. So & G. P. Thomas (Eds.), Science technology education: Enhancing the quality of life through science & technology: Science & Technology Education Conference 2000 proceedings (pp. 329-333). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Education Dept., Hong Kong, Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education and Hong Kong Association for Design and Technology Education.