
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review



The sustained advancement of information technology in the last decades initiated a new economic era, which emphasizes the application of knowledge and innovation as strategic tools for competition. The Ministry of Education reflected societal expectation on human workforce in educational reform policies. When teachers play the role of students' learning facilitator nowadays, they are confronted with high working pressure that makes the teachers difficult to handle their daily teaching routine. In case if secondary school teachers of the same subject from various schools work collaboratively to build a knowledge repository to share with others, it can benefit teachers with enriched subject knowledge and reduce the duplication of effort of each other. It also gives them more time to uphold the quality and effectiveness of learning. Copyright © 2011 香港教師中心.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)21-26
Publication statusPublished - 2011




  • 知識庫
  • 知識分享
  • 網上平台
  • Alt. title: Knowledge repository as an on-line platform for knowledge sharing among secondary school teachers in Hong Kong
  • Knowledge repository
  • Knowledge sharing
  • On-line platform