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This paper reports the acoustic experiment and perception test on the minimal pairs of [a׃i] and [ɐi], [a:u] and [ɐu], which aim to revisit the controversial issue of long and short vowels in Cantonese. Two other diphthongs [ei]? (similar to [ɐi] ) and [ou] (similar to [ɐu] ) are also analyzed for comparison. The acoustic experiment mainly focuses on the continuous co-variation of formants and duration. In the perception test, the stimuli are made by adjusting the duration ratio of vowel nucleus and coda in a diphthong through unidirectional-cutting or window-cutting. It is proved that [a׃i] and [ɐi] have similar targets of nucleus and coda but vary in durational structure; while the main difference between [ei] and [ɐi] is that their nuclear vowels have different auditory qualities. Similar conclusions can be drawn from the comparison of [a׃u] [ɐu] [ou]. Copyright © 2010 中國社會科學院語言研究所.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)134-144
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 2010




  • 廣州話
  • 長短元音
  • 複合元音
  • 聲學實驗
  • 聽辨實驗
  • Cantonese
  • Long and short vowels
  • Diphthong
  • Acoustic experiment
  • Perception test
  • Alt. title: Long and short vowels in Cantonese: A revisit with new experiments