
曾家洛, 劉卓輝

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


The development of morality and values in young children has become an important issue for those involved in education and for society in general. Spirituality is promoted and encouraged by some education scholars as being beneficial in nurturing children’s compassion and awareness of self, others and the outer world, and in consequence their own morality and values development. As a legacy of history, half of the schools in Hong Kong are sponsored by religious organizations. The way in which these schools integrate religion and spiritual components into the moral education curriculum is thus noteworthy. Using theoretical discussion and the qualitative study of four kindergartens, this paper demonstrates that Hong Kong kindergartens try to foster the development of children’s values by introducing essential spiritual components such as the ‘pursuit of values and meanings of life’ and ‘relationality’. ‘Self-transcendence’ in children is also nurtured in kindergartens having a religious foundation through the use of religious cultures as a stable values system. In sum, the approach used by Hong Kong kindergartens is beneficial and significant to early childhood moral and values development, and enables future development of children’s ethical judgment. Copyright © 2012 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)92-98
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2012




  • Spirituality, morality and values in young children’s development: Case studies of Hong Kong kindergartens