
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


To study the development of children’s mandarin locative preposition, this paper, based on corpus, analyzes children’s use of the mandarin locative preposition. The results show: (1) there are significant differences between 4 age groups of children in their use of mandarin locative prepositions and the difference between 2 year old group and 5 year old group is especially obvious; (2) children can use all types of mandarin locative prepositions, and the frequency of use from high to low is‘inside’,‘on’,‘under’,‘behind’,‘outside’,‘in the middle of’,‘beside’,‘in front of’,‘east, west, south, north’, and‘left, right’; (3) children tend to use‘inside’and‘on’, but age groups show significant difference in the frequency of use;and children of 5 year old group are far ahead of other groups in the word ability of those two types of prepositions; (4)there is no significant difference between genders in the amount of mandarin locative prepositions they use, but boys are a little better than girls in the use of locative prepositions. Copyright © 2017 浙江教育報刊社.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)33-36
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2017




  • 幼兒
  • 普通話
  • 空間方位詞
  • 語料
  • Children
  • Mandarin
  • Locative preposition
  • Corpus
  • Alt. title: Study on children’s use of the mandarin locative prepositions: A study based on corpus