
楊偉鵬, 何紅漫, 劉隼, 范莉, 王微麗

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Based on related practice and researches on the integration of kindergarten curriculum development and teachers’ professional development, the authors conclude that (1) Kindergarten curriculum development is the process of finding problems, analyzing problems and solving problems during curriculum implementing with experts’ guiding; whether the problems can be solved or not is the key standard being used to tell whether teachers are really involved in curriculum development. (2) The integration of kindergarten curriculum development and teachers’ professional development usually go through four stages: technical, practical, liberating and transcendent stages; teachers should finish the tasks of understanding, implementing, completing and promoting the curriculum; and the four stages sometimes overlap from the dimension of time. (3) Factors influencing this integration include experts’ guidance and instruction, family support and involvement, views on children, school culture, resources, and participants’ teamwork. Copyright © 2015 浙江教育報刊社.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)32-34
Journal幼兒教育 (教育科學版)
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2015


楊偉鵬、何紅漫、劉隼、范莉和王微麗(2015):幼兒園課程開發與教師專業發展一體化,《幼兒教育 (教育科學版)》,2015(4),頁32-34。


  • 課程開發
  • 教師專業發展
  • 問題解決
  • 發展階段
  • 影響因素
  • Curriculum development
  • Teachers’ professional development
  • Problem solving
  • Development stages
  • Influence factors
  • Alt. title: The integration of kindergarten curriculum development and teachers’ professional development