
錢海燕, 肖志國, 陳侃, 丁妍

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


As a result of the paradigm shift in knowledge control, teachers are no longer the absolute authority in classroom settings. They need to change their teaching beliefs and assume new roles to adapt to the change. This paper attempts to investigate whether the change has taken place in reality rather than in rhetoric. Based on the data collected from a large-scale survey conducted among Fudan teachers and students, these questions are specifically explored: Do teachers and students share similar or different perceptions of teaching? How do Fudan teachers define quality teaching? How do students understand them? Any misalignment between them? On the basis of the analysis of the misalignments, the paper concludes with some suggestions on the type of professional development models required by teachers. Copyright © 2012 復旦大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)31-35
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2012




  • Alt. title: Differences in teachers' and students' perceptions of quality teaching: An analysis based on a massive survey conducted at Fudan Univqersity
  • 教師專業發展
  • 教學優點
  • 教學信念
  • 師生差異
  • Professional development
  • Quality teaching
  • Teacher belief
  • Differences between teachers and students