
陳波, 石磊, 鄧文靖

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


The green and low-carbon development of international industrial parks provides experience for carbon neutralization transformation of China’s industrial parks. On the basis of summarizing the green and low-carbon development modes and paths of foreign typical eco-industrial parks such as Kalundborg, Ulsan and Kawasaki, etc., this paper analyzes the carbon emission reduction measures of the above-mentioned industrial symbiosis system, and summarizes the low-carbon development experience and enlightenment of foreign eco-industrial parks. The results show that the low-carbon development of foreign eco-industrial parks has gone through three stages, i.e. carbon-reduction with energy-saving and efficiency, carbon-reduction synergizing with pollution reduction, initiative in reducing carbon, eventually enter the carbon-neutral orientation stage. Government guidance is an important feature for green and low-carbon development. The time point of government intervention is highly consistent with that of signing the Kyoto protocol. Proper using of policy is the main driving to promote green and low-carbon development. Promoting systematic change is the strategic focus of green and low-carbon development. In order to realizing China’s double carbon goal on 2060, four specific policy suggestions are given, i.e. accelerate the formulation a roadmap for carbon neutralization in industrial parks, strengthen low-carbon indicators, promote demonstration pilot projects, and establish a carbon neutralization policy framework. Copyright © 2021 環境保護部環境發展中心.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)40-49
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2021




  • 碳中和
  • 工業共生
  • 綠色發展
  • 生態工業園區
  • Carbon neutralization
  • Industrial symbiosis
  • Green development
  • Eco-industrial park
  • Alt. title: International experience of green and low-carbon development in industrial parks and its enlightenment to China