
劉慧中, 黎國燦

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人終其一生都在進行學習,正如傅湛 (Fulghum, R., 1990) 著作的《我真要懂得一切在幼稚園便已學懂》一書中所言,幼兒教育更是人生漫長教育的起步點及基礎。而學前教育可視為啟蒙,所謂「啟蒙」乃含有啟迪智慧與端正品行之意。學前期的幼兒可塑性大,是培養幼兒品德教育的關鍵時期,這個時期培養得好,有助他們適應社會生活,建立良好的價值觀和人際關系。 在二十一世紀的後現代資本社會中 (Harvey, 1989;Jameson, 1996),物欲橫流,固有的價值體系面臨崩解,民主、開放、自由被濫用,衍生了道德規範失衡,這種失衡的情況亦在正規的課堂中突顯出來。在香港,近年有多宗報導均指出幼兒德育問題日趨嚴重,校園「小惡霸現象」十分普遍 (星島曰報,2011年7月16日),低至兩、三歲幼兒班的學生也會「恃惡行兇」,家長對子女過分溺愛更使問題惡化。幼教界同工大多認為針對日益嬌生慣養、性格自我中心的幼兒而言,教育是讓他們學習控制情緒及在道德、倫理、及品德價值觀上陶成不可缺少一環。另一方面,香港自2000年起,推行教育改革,行政長官在2000年施政報告公佈幼稚園的師生比例在三年內,遂步由半日制一比三十和全日制一比二十,改善至一律一比十五《2000年施政報告》。師生比例的改善,讓課堂出現了小班教學環境,帶來了多方面轉變的契機,課堂教學模式亦已由全班教學走向多元化教學。這多元化教學及課程模式的變化,十分有利於在幼兒課堂騰出空間,讓幼師可有效培育及處理幼兒的情緒及進行德育的陶成。本文首先回顧並釐清在香港推行德育及小班教學的概念,繼而以一個學校個案事例闡述在小班環境下推行幼兒情緒及德育教育情況,從而分析所遇到的問題及建議其解決方法。
Recently there have been increasing reports on behavior problems in young children, including the phenomenon of “small bullies” in kindergartens. This is aggravated by parents over-protecting their children, which in term reinforced the self-centredness of their children.
After implementing education reform for ten years, Hong Kong has improved the teacher to student ratio in its kindergarten classrooms to facilitate small class teaching. The present research analyses the situation where small class teaching could enhance affective and moral development of young children. The paper cites a school case study to illustrate the effect of teaching in the small class teaching environment in a school which has adopted the Neo-Confucian ideology as its teaching philosophy. Ways to tackle the difficulties encountered in implementation of moral education in small class settings will be discussed. Copyright © 2013 優質學校教育學報.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)25-40
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2013




  • 小班環境
  • 幼稚園
  • 德育
  • 承諾與挑戰
  • Small class environment
  • Kindergarten
  • Moral education
  • Promises and challenges
  • Alt. title: Fostering moral education in small class environment in kindergartens: Promises and challenges