

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


There is no doubt that the past three decades have witnessed an impressive growth in the compilation and publication of the Chinese language dictionaries in Hong Kong, Taiwan and especially Mainland China. However, it is noteworthy that this growth regards mainly the quantity of publications. In fact, in respect to the quality, currently the situation is not ideal and has become a cause for concern.
The present paper addresses this problem by taking an example of the existing interpretations of the Chinese idiom Lai Ri Da Nam in modern Chinese dictionaries. Through revealing the evident inaccuracy and inadequacy of these interpretations, this paper aims to highlight the point that the foundational research on word meaning and its associated issues, is of vital significance for the compilation of dictionaries. Copyright © 2009 浙江大學漢語史研究中心.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)179-189
Publication statusPublished - 2009




  • 辭書編纂
  • 釋義
  • 成語
  • 來日大難
  • 佛教
  • Compilation of Chinese language dictionary
  • Interpretation
  • Idiom
  • Lai Ri Da Nan
  • Buddhism
  • Alt. title: An assessment of the interpretations of the Chinese idiom Lai Ri Da Nan in modern Chinese dictionaries