
錢銘佳, 楊靜珍, 李偉民, 季克義, 鄧樹勛, 季瀏

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


通過調查分析了參加 “97首屆全國體育教育專業大學生基本功大賽” 參賽隊員和領隊教練對大賽的認識和反饋,並結合國內外文獻資料的研究,闡述了當前體育教育集 “健身、教育、娛樂” 於一體,培養目標多樣化,體育人才多面手的發展趨勢,根據我國高等體育教育專業的現狀,探討了培養文武雙全,德才兼備,合格體育師資的意義與對策。
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the means of skill and knowledge development for future Chinese physical educators in order to facilitate them to be more competitive Two surveys were conducted to physical education major students and coaches, who participated in the first National Sports Skills and Academic Competition for Physical Education Major Students of China held in Shanghai in August 1997. A total of 176 (132 males and 44 females) students from 22 different nationwide universities and 43 coaches were surveyed. The data were analyzed by using SPSS. It was indicated that with the growing popularity of lifetime fitness and health related physical education courses that are being created and required at school, it is imperative for universities and colleges in China to begin preparing physical education students to effectively teach these courses. Training physical education students with comprehensive knowledge and skills will help them to be qualified for fulfilling this task. Copyright © 2000 北京體育大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)70-72
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2000




  • 體育教育
  • 體育師資
  • 大學生
  • 教育專業
  • 中國
  • 基本功大賽
  • Physical education
  • Persons qualified to teach physical education
  • College student
  • Education specialty
  • China
  • Sports skills and academic competition
  • Alt. title: Developing physical educators’ competencies in next millennium: The first national sports skills and academic knowledge competition for physical education major students in China