

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


"Lairi (來日)" is a temporal expression used very frequently in ancient Chinese literature. From the mid-20th century linguists have come to claim that the word "lairi" has two opposite meanings expressing both past time and time to come. This view has also been accepted by scholars of ancient Chinese literature and compiled into dictionaries. Based on exhausted investigation of the electronic corpora of ancient Chinese literature and documents, this paper argues that this subsequent explanation of "lairi" is not correct. The word "lairi" stands actually for two different expressions: one is a word expressing upcoming time and the other a phrase referring to the day of coming here. The confusion of these two forms in the literature leads to the misinterpretation of "lairi". Copyright © 2013《語言科學》編輯部.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)32-50
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013




  • 詞典
  • 漢語史
  • 文學史
  • 漢樂府
  • 來日
  • 善哉行
  • 時間詞
  • “Lairi”
  • Shan-zai-xing (善哉行)
  • Yuefu (樂府)
  • Temporal expression
  • Dictionary
  • History of Chinese
  • History of language literature
  • Alt. title: An investigation on the expression “Lairi (來日)” from the aspects of the histories of Chinese language and literature