
孫彩霞, 李子建

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Teaching should not only focus on the transfer of teaching knowledge, but also pay attention to the interaction of interpersonal emotions and the cultivation of positive emotions in teaching. Outstanding teachers have higher emotional intelligence, which is mainly reflected in the positive, optimistic, confident and satisfied emotional state of such group teachers. They can understand learners’ emotional needs, express empathy in time when facing learners’ negative emotions, and are good at using emotional roles and emotional regulation strategies to build a harmonious teacher-student relationship and a positive classroom learning atmosphere. The continuously learning and studying on their teaching and school support for their professional growth is the important force which driving outstanding teachers promote their emotional intelligence. Exploring the characteristics of emotional intelligence of outstanding teachers is of great significance to rethink effective teaching and teaching quality. Copyright © 2020 華東師範大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)18-26
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020




  • 專家型教師
  • 情緒智能
  • 育人質量
  • Outstanding teachers
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Teaching quality
  • Alt. title: Exploring on the characteristics of outstanding teachers’ emotional intelligence and reflecting on the teaching quality