
李子建, 邱德峰

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Teachers’ professional identity forms and develops through formal and informal learning in specific environments and contexts and communities of practice(CoPs) offers a perspective for understanding its dynamic development. Both expert and novice teachers could become full and marginal members in multiple CoPs through the processes of "Legitimate Peripheral Participation(LPP)" as advocated by Lave and Wenger(1991). The evolution of concepts associated with CoPs offer new insights and implications for teachers’ professional development and their search for professional identities. The keys of cultivating CoPs are to reduce disparities and bias according to members’ background so as to help them become professional knowledge workers as well as to make use of technology to help CoPs as knowledge-building communities with good knowledge management mechanisms. Copyright © 2016 華東師範大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)102-111
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2016




  • 專業身份認同
  • 實踐共同體
  • 合法的邊緣性參與
  • Professional identity
  • Community of practice
  • Legitimate peripheral participation
  • Alt. title: Communities of practice: New views of teachers’ professional identity