
徐慧璇, 陳健生

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Through the case study on four pre-service teachers, this article investigates the challenges and difficulties of pre-service teachers in Liberal Studies subject in their implementation of issue-based approach. The study found that pre-service teachers faced four kinds of tensions during their teaching practice period, namely adopting a broad or in-depth approach on learning; completing all units within timeframe or implementing issue-inquiring strategies; problems of engaging all students in learning; and conducting examination-oriented or student-centered teaching. The above tensions have different influences on the four pre-service teachers, depending on their professional background and teaching beliefs. Finally, the article discussed those challenges and difficulties thoroughly and made recommendations on improvements. Copyright © Hong Kong Educational Research Association 2013.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)149-180
Issue number1 & 2
Publication statusPublished - 2012


徐慧璇和陳健生(2012):實習教師實施議題為本方法面臨的挑戰與困境:以香港新高中通識科為例,《教育硏究學報》,27(1 & 2),頁149-180。


  • 議題為本方法
  • 通識教育科
  • 課程實施
  • Alt. title: Challenges that pre-service teachers encounter in implementing issue-based approach: Case studies on four pre-service teachers in liberal studies Subject of new senior secondary curriculum in Hong Kong