
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


This paper explores the Chinese translations of writings in western periodicals that appeared in six popular magazines in early Republican China. In an effort to historicize and contextualize, the paper associates the emphasis on urgency, societal relevance and an east-west comparative perspective in the practice of translation with a notion of practicality (shiyong) rooted in the governmental reform proposals and early periodicals of the late-Qing period. The paper will argue that this translation practice, increasingly evident in non-literary columns in the popular magazines of this period, effectively conveyed this mode of thinking to the early Republican urban readership. In order to illustrate this point, the author focuses on selected translated pieces appearing in two columns—‘translated miscellanea’ (yicong) and ‘occidental laughs’ (xixiao)—and locates the source materials in early 20th-century western periodicals. Based on a close reading of the texts and an examination of the surrounding paratextual elements, the paper argues that this practice not only gave the traditional (Chinese) notion of practicality a sense of exoticism and playful irony, but also opened a channel for the reception of western facts and ideas that somehow echoed the reality of China’s metropolitan society at that time. The textual analysis involved here also provides a window through which we may get a glimpse of the practice and mentality of magazine translators. Copyright © 2015 國家教育研究院.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)1-40
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015




  • 譯報
  • 實用
  • 雜誌
  • 民初
  • Translations
  • Practicality
  • Western periodicals
  • Early Republican China
  • Alt. title:Practicality and Change: The role of translations from western periodicals in China’s early republican magazines