
林碧霞, 楊思慧

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本研究採用了香港特別行政區教育統籌局提供的「情意及社交表現評估套件」(Assessment Program for Affective and Social Outcomes) (EMB, 2001) 的五份問卷,對152名8-12歲的小學生進行了評估,以了解學生在融合政策下,在情意 (affective) 和社交發展 (social) 兩方面的情況。當中有16名融合學生是我們特意選出的研究對象,他們各人有不同程度的學習障礙問題。融合生組別 (N=16) 與正常學童組別 (N=136) 的差異以一系列的「單因子變異數分析」(one-way ANOVA test) 檢測。檢測結果跟老師對學生問卷調查結果的質性回饋,和學校辦學理念概覽文件作一全面性檢討。是次研究結果揭示了融合生和一般正常學生在社交及學業的自我概念方面在統計學上有顯著性差異,「正面歧視」的觀念解釋了教師和學生間的隔膜。我們因此建議學校改進教育環境,幫助融合教育下的學生。
A study was conducted on the affective and social domains of 152 elementary school students aged 8-11 in a school in Hong Kong. Five questionnaires from the Assessment Program for Affective and Social Outcomes (APASO) (EMB, 2001) were used to measure the students' attitude to school, self-concept, attitude to learning, interpersonal competence, and problem-solving strategies. Sixteen inclusive students who had different learning difficulties and were involved in the government remedial teaching scheme under the inclusion policy were extracted for close examination. The differences between normal (N=136) and inclusive (N=16) students were examined by a series of one-way ANOVA tests. The outcome was triangulated with teachers' perspectives through a teacher conference and school profile reports. The two groups showed significant differences in their social and academic self-concepts, which was explained by a "positive discrimination" perspective that suggested a gap between what the students perceived and what the teachers thought. Recommendations are made on how schools can promote an inclusive environment to best serve students under inclusive education. Copyright © 2006 香港青年協會.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)156-174
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2006




  • Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning
  • Alt. title: Inclusive education policy: A myth about Hong Kong mainstream classrooms