
鄭英耀, 葉麗貞, 劉昆夏, 莫慕貞

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本研究以系統化的方式,從國內外相關文獻的分析彙整,到大學生基本能力指標問卷之發展和施測,最後以Rasch 測量模式分析指標的相對重要性和擁有度,完整呈現大學生基本能力指標之建構歷程。大學生基本能力指標問卷經25 位通識教育各領域的學者專家之共識後,歸納出『專業及基礎能力』、『創意與問題解決』、『人際溝通』、『品格與公民素養』、『國際視野』和『自主學習』等六個面向40項指標。問卷施測對象包括116位大學教師、113位產業主管和413位大學 生。結果發現,產業主管、大學教師和大學生認為較重要的指標面向為「人際溝通」,當前大學生擁有度較高的指標面向為「品格與公民素養」,而「外語的能力」則是大學生最應具備卻未具備的能力。此外,大學教師和產業主管,以及不同學院的學生對於某些基本能力指標的重要性和擁有度之認知有所不同。未來各大學可參考此模式,發展具學校特色的學生能力指標,以培育社會所需之多元人才。
The study systematically developed the Indicators of Undergraduate Students' Key Competences (IUSKC) as an instrument to investigate the key competences for Taiwanese university students. With a consensus of 25 scholars and experts representing several general education fields, the IUSKC consisted of 40 indices in six dimensions including ”professional and fundamental abilities,” ”creativity and problem solving,” ”interpersonal communication,” ”character and citizenship,” ”global view,” and ”autonomous learning.” The IUSKC questionnaire was administered to 116 professors, 113 business executives and 413 undergraduate students and asked them to evaluate the importance of the key competencies and the extent of these competencies acquired by Taiwan undergraduate students. The Rasch analyses of the data showed that the subjects regarded ”interpersonal communication” as the most important dimension of the index, ”character and citizenship” as a competence possessed by most of Taiwanese undergraduate students,” and ”foreign language” as the most required but wanted competence among Taiwan undergraduates. The business executives, university professors, students from different faculties also demonstrated varied perceptions towards the significance and extent of possession of some indices. The results provided a useful framework for universities/colleges to develop school-specific competence indicators aimed at fostering students' multiple talents demanded by the society. Copyright © 2011 中國測驗學會.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)531-558
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2011


鄭英耀、葉麗貞、劉昆夏和莫慕貞(2011):大學生基本能力指標之建構,《測驗學刊》,58(3),頁 531-558。


  • 基本能力
  • 指標建構
  • 大學生
  • Rasch 模式
  • Indicator construction
  • Key competences
  • Rasch model
  • Undergraduate students
  • Alt. title: Constructing the indicators of undergraduate students' key competences