
施和平, 王雲靈, 曾寶強, 陳利華

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5 Citations (Scopus)


為了探討外源鈣對重金屬鎘 (Cd) 緩解南美蟛蜞菊Wedelia trilobata 毛狀根毒害的生理機理,採用溶 液培養法研究了重金屬Cd 單獨及其與Ca 組合對南美蟛蜞菊毛狀根生長、抗氧化酶超氧化物岐化酶 (SOD) 和過氧化物酶 (POD) 活性及對Cd²⁺吸收的影響。結果表明,Cd≤50 μmol/L 時促進毛狀根生長;高於100 μmol/LCd 則抑制其生長,使其側根短小,根尖變褐或變黑。與對照相比,不同濃度Cd 培養的毛狀根POD 活性、SOD活性和MDA 含量都比對照明顯提高,但高於100 μmol/L Cd 培養的毛狀根可溶性蛋白含量均比對照降低。與僅添加200 μmol/L 或300 μmol/L Cd 的毛狀根相比,Cd 和10~30 mmol/L Ca 組合培養可促進毛狀根生長,使其主、側根變粗;提高其可溶性蛋白含量;降低其MDA 含量、POD 活性及SOD 活性。原子吸收分光光度法測定結果表明,南美蟛蜞菊毛狀根能吸收和吸附重金屬Cd²⁺,當Cd²⁺濃度為100 μmol/L 時毛狀根對Cd²⁺的吸收量最大,而Cd²⁺濃度為300 μmol/L 時毛狀根對Cd²⁺的吸附量最大。外源加入10~30 mmol/L Ca²⁺可顯著減少毛狀根對Cd²⁺的吸收和吸附,並可調節其抗氧化酶活性,降低其膜脂過氧化水準而解除重金屬鎘對毛狀根生長的抑制或毒害。
In order to study the physiological mechanism of exogenous calcium on the toxicity of heavy metal cadmium(Cd) to Wedelia trilobata hairy roots, the effects of Cd alone, and in combination with different concentrations of Ca on growth, contents of soluble protein and malondialdehyde(MDA), activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD) and peroxidase(POD), Cd²⁺ absorption in W. trilobata hairy roots were investigated. Cd concentrations lower than 50 μmol/L enhanced the growth of hairy roots, while concentrations higher than 100 μmol/L inhibited growth, making the branched roots short and small, and also turning the root tips brown, even black. In comparison with the control(0 μmol/L Cd), the soluble protein content in hairy roots was found to increase when cultured with 10~50 μmol/L Cd, and decrease when exposed to a cadmium concentration higher than 100 μmol/L Cd. In addition, the activities of POD and SOD activity and MDA content were significantly higher than the control. Compared to the control (hairy roots cultured without 10~30 mmol/L Ca), 100 μmol/L Cd or 300 μmol/L Cd in combination with 10~30 mmol/L Ca resulted in increased growth, causing the main root and secondary roots thicker and also an increase in soluble protein content. On the contrary, MDA content and POD and SOD activities decreased. Quantitative analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry showed that W. trilobata hairy roots can absorb and adsorb heavy metal Cd in the ionic form of Cd²⁺. The maximum content of Cd²⁺ absorbed by the hairy roots was obtained with a concentration 100 μmol/L Cd²⁺ while that of Cd²⁺ adsorbed by hairy roots was achieved with a concentration of 300 μmol/L Cd²⁺. The exogenous addition of 10~30 mmol/L Ca²⁺ was found to reduce the absorption, adsorption of Cd²⁺ and the toxicity of Cd significantly. This reduction in toxicity was caused by the reduction in the absorption of Cd and decreasing the lipid peroxidation through regulating the activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD and POD in the hairy roots. Copyright © 2012 Chin J Biotech, All rights reserved.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)747-762
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012




  • 南美蟛蜞菊
  • 毛狀根
  • 抗氧化酶
  • 吸收
  • Cadmium
  • Wedelia trilobata
  • Hairy roots
  • Antioxidative enzymes
  • Absorption
  • Calcium
  • Alt. title: Alleviated affect of exogenous CaCl2 on the growth, antioxidative enzyme activities and cadmium absorption efficiency of Wedelia trilobata hairy roots under cadmium stress