

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This paper comprises of two parts. It first reviews how the traditional ancient and contemporary language education development as well as anaylzes their characteristics. The second part previews how the future Chinese language education may develop. The paper concretely points out how to succeed and improve the spirit of traditional ancient Chinese language education as well as suggestion on how to fulfil and improve the contemporary language education. Chinese language educators should have a determination to improve the ancient and contemporary Chinese language with an open view to promote multi-angled, multi-levels and diversified language education research, hoping that some new direction can be found in the future Chinese language education. Copyright © 2016 中華書局.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication漢語教學與研究新探
Editors 施仲謀
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9789888420070
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2016


廖佩莉 (2016):回顧與展望:析論中國語文教育的發展,輯於施仲謀主編《漢語教學與研究新探》,(頁 64-76),香港,中華書局。


  • 中國語文教育
  • 傳統古代語文教育
  • 近代語文教育
  • Chinese language education
  • Traditional ancient Chinese language
  • Contemporary Chinese language
  • Alt. title: Review and preview: Discuss the development of Chinese language education