
李春晓, 吳燕丹, 孫延林

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review



Evidence-based practice refers to comprehensively collect, clean and analyze the best evidence from the literature and to provide guidance in practice. Systematic review, a method to comprehensively evaluate the literature but different from the literature review, is of great value to research and practice in adapted physical activity as it provides best evidence for evidence-based practice. Given the significance of the systematic review and scant literature within the field of adapted physical activity in China, this twofold research was to introduce and discuss the use of the systematic review in adapted physical activity. In the first section, specific steps on how to conduct a systematic review were discussed, namely raising a research question, searching and screening literature, abstracting and analyzing data, reporting results and implications. In the second section, the effectiveness of physical exercise interventions on muscular strength and endurance among people with Down syndrome was investigated as an example to further illustrate the use of the systematic review. In this example, a total of 487 articles were found through literature search. Seven articles were included and five of which were with high research quality. Data analyses showed that physical exercise interventions increased lower-limb muscular strength in individuals with Down syndrome. There was lack of evidence about the effectiveness of physical exercise interventions on improving muscular endurance for this population. Copyright © 2014 天津體育學院.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)75-80
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014




  • 系統綜述
  • 循證實踐
  • 殘疾人
  • 研究方法
  • Systematic review
  • Evidence-based practice
  • People with disabilities
  • Research method
  • Alt. title: Promoting evidence-based practice and research in adapted physical activity: The systematic review and its applications