
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


古今論者普遍肯定蘇洵〈六國論〉筆者新穎、文風激切,但對文中觀點是否切中時弊、說服力強,則言人人殊 ── 原因是對如何評價史論文 (議論文) 說服力的認識各不相同所致。本文針對上述現象,旨在探討︰1.判斷史論文說服力的準則;2.如何客觀評價蘇洵〈六國論〉是否具說服力;3.以香港高中〈六國論〉教材為例,探討史論文教學的「說服力」問題。本文指出︰史論文之說服力如何,宜兼從歷史評論(史學)及文學創作(美學),以及文本外因及內因分析︰外因即能否達成文章原來目的(說服受文對象),內因即文章是否論點正確、論據堅實、論證嚴謹?以及是否雄辯滔滔、具感染力?香港教育局及經教育局評審的教科書教材尚能引導學生批判思考,把「〈六國論〉是否具說服力」還原為可資討論的問題;反之,速成的應試讀物幾乎都把「說服力強」作為〈六國論〉不辯自明的判語,不利學生獨立思考。
While the novel writing techniques and imposing effect of Su Xun’s “On the Six Fallen States” have been widely recognised by critics from different times, opinions vary when it comes to determining the relevance of its argument about failed policies, and whether its persuasiveness is strong. The reason is that the way of evaluating historical treatises is perceived differently. In response to this phenomenon, this essay aims to: 1) define the standards for evaluating the persuasiveness of historical treatises; 2) explore how the persuasiveness of Su Xun’s work can be evaluated objectively; 3) investigate the question of persuasiveness in teaching historical treatises, with examples of the current teaching resources on Sun Xun’s work for senior form students.
This essay points out that in determining whether a historical treatise is persuasive, the approach has to treat the work as a review (historiography) and a literary writing (aesthetics) at the same time, while also considering both external and internal factors. External factors concern the work’s ability to achieve the purpose for which it was written, meaning whether it can persuade its target readers, while internal factors consist of correctness of judgement, profoundness of evidence provided, rigorousness of arguments, as well as eloquence and evocativeness. The relevant teaching resources reviewed by the Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB), and those published by EDB itself, consider the persuasiveness of Su Xun’s work to be discussable, and are therefore moderately effective in guiding students to think critically. On the contrary, almost all the quick reference guides for the DSE assert that ‘the strong persuasiveness’ of Su Xun’s work is self-evident, to the detriment of independent thinking. Copyright © 2021 中華書局(香港)有限公司.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication中國歷史文化教育及研究
Editors 馮志弘, 許國惠, 施仲謀
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9789888760275
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2021




  • 蘇洵
  • 〈六國論〉
  • 史論文
  • 議論文
  • 說服力
  • Su Xun
  • “On the six fallen states”
  • Historical treatises
  • Argumentative writing
  • Persuasiveness
  • Alt. title: The question of persuasiveness in teaching historical treatises: Senior secondary teaching resources on Su Xun’s “Six fallen states”