
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


由2020-2021學年起,中國歷史(中史) 科正式成為香港初中的必修科目,於全港中學推行,以促進學生對國情和中華文化的認識。在香港的主流學校中,除了以中文為母語的華藉學生外,還有一些非華語的學生在學。對後者而言,學習中文已經不容易,要通過中文學會中國歷史的挑戰性,可想而知。
To promote students’ understanding of the current state of China and Chinese culture, Chinese History has become a compulsory subject for junior secondary schools in Hong Kong in 2020-2021. The revised school curriculum has posed an immense challenge for non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students studying in the mainstream schools. For NCS students, learning Chinese Language is strenuous, let alone learning Chinese History in Chinese which is not their native language.
In order to deconstruct the difficulties of NCS students learning Chinese language across the curriculum, this chapter reports a case study on the Chinese History subject. With reference to the latest revised curriculum, the key topics on “Political Evolution”, “Cultural Characteristics” and “Hong Kong Development” from a set of Chinese History textbook published in 2020 were analysed. Taking a mixed methods approach, corpus searching and statistical methods have been adopted to investigate the subject specific word profiling while computer assisted text analyses were conducted to reveal the respective academic language features and genres. Based on empirical evidences, this chapter provides an alternate perspective for adapting materials and exploring effective pedagogies for teaching Chinese History to NCS students in Chinese. Copyright © 2022 中華書局.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication21世紀中國歷史教育的挑戰與機遇
Editors 姜鍾赫, 蔡逸寧, 梁操雅
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9789888807482
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022




  • 跨學科中文學習
  • 學科學術語言
  • 中國歷史
  • 文本分析
  • 非華語生
  • Chinese language learning across curriculum
  • Subject specific academic language
  • Chinese history
  • Text analysis
  • Non-Chinese speaking students
  • Alt. title: Supporting non-Chinese speaking students to learn Chinese history in Chinese