
Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The speaker will share his recent research on using advanced technology and scientific assessment to 1. Promote research in general, and inter-disciplinary research in particular. It aims at fostering the holistic growth of individual wellbeing; 2. Apply neuroscience and EdTECH in special education research. For example, to investigate the emotion recognition of student with Autism using eyetracker, to understand the attention and memory of student with ADHD using EEG, and to develop an AR play-based training apps to enhance the executive functions of student with ADHD. 3. Generate data from clinical and community services to build up evidence-based research projects; and 4. Create a spinal effect of evidence-based practice into the community. Copyright © 2018 Learning & Teaching Expo.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018
EventLearning & Teaching Expo 2018: Tomorrow's Learning Today = 學與教博覽2018:攜手共創教育未來
- Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Duration: 12 Dec 201814 Dec 2018


SeminarLearning & Teaching Expo 2018: Tomorrow's Learning Today = 學與教博覽2018:攜手共創教育未來
Country/TerritoryHong Kong




  • Alt. title: Applying neuroscience and EdTech in special education