
黃自鴻, 胡梓穎

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文類理論與文集編撰有極其密切的關係,歷代總集編者,從文類界限、序題定義和作品編選三方面定義文類的特點。古文類集與辨體的傳統,鋪設了一個獨特的視角,解釋各種文類的誕生和命運。本文嘗試延伸目前論著的範圍,探討辨體視野下對傳記文體的理解。通過《文苑英華》到《文章辨體彙選》的探討,本文希望指出,傳記並未如一般讀者所認識的, 驟看起來必然是記載人物生平、強調事實的類型;在辨體的過程中, 假傳和虛構元素持以確立,成為傳記的必要成分。
Since ancient times in China, the development of theories of literary genre has been very closely connected with the compilation of literary anthologies. Historically, editors of general anthologies have defined the characteristics of literary genres in three ways: through genre classifications, in prefaces to each style, and by the selection of works. The traditions of anthology making and genre differentiation provide a unique viewpoint for explaining the birth and fate of the various genres. This research extends the scope of current studies, probing understandings of biography viewed from the perspective of genre differentiation. Exploring works from Wenyuan yinghua 文苑英華to Wenzhang bianti huixuan 文章辨體彙選, this paper reveals that biography is not, as commonly perceived, only a genre for recording the lives of historical figures and emphasizing the facts; in the process of genre differentiation, “pseudo biography" and fictional elements be come established fact, and an indispensable part of the genre. Copyright © 2006 漢學研究中心 .
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)95 - 122
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016




  • 傳記
  • 辨體
  • 假傳
  • 虛構
  • 文類總集
  • 文體意識
  • Biography
  • Genre differentiation
  • Pseudo-biography
  • Fiction
  • Literary anthology
  • Genre awareness
  • Alt. title: Biography and the concept of genre differentiation: The process of categorizing internal conflicts