促進 STEM 教育的遠程實驗系統的設計與試驗

高學敏, 楊友源

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


這篇文章展示了如何利用先進的技術儀器開發創新的遠端實驗系統,從而促進 STEM 教育的發展。本研究目的,在於設計遠端實驗平臺,以實現遠端控制實驗儀器和搜集即時實驗資料的功能,從而為學生探究酸雨對於大理石的危害,提供支援和便利。相應的輔助學習網站,可以幫助學生在實驗過程中進行自我學習。本研究使用基於設計的研究方法,並在設計學習活動的過程中,加入了基於問題學習的理念。30 位 STEM 領域的新手教師和職前教師參與了預測試。結果表明,這些參與者不僅提高了測驗的成績,還提高了相應的科學技能。而採訪資料會被用於進一步完善遠端實驗系統。
This paper displays the innovative design of a remote laboratory system with technological devices for enhancing STEM education. This system can allow students control laboratory facilities remotely and collect real-time data, which aims to provide supports and convenience to learners in investigating the damage of the acid rain to the marble. A suitable learning website was also developed to guide students’ self-learning. Design-based research method and the theory of problem-based learning was drawn upon to guide the development of this laboratory system and learning tasks. Thirty novice teachers and pre-service teachers in STEM areas participated in this pilot test. Findings indicated that participants improved their academic scores and scientific skills through the experiment. Interview data was utilized to further perfect this system. Copyright ©2018 Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education All rights reserved.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Title of host publication第22屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會:大會論文集
Editors 莊紹勇, 施如齡, 呂賜傑, 黃慕雄, 陳雄輝, 謝幼如, 張學波, 李海雲, 張屹, 孫丹兒, 郭立平, 陳成志, 劉永發, 謝浩然, 江波, 敏紅, 涂仕奎
Place of Publication廣州
Publication statusPublished - 2018


高學敏和楊友源 (2018) :促進 STEM 教育的遠程實驗系統的設計與試驗,輯於莊紹勇等主編《第22屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會:大會論文集》,(頁 1323-1331),廣州,華南師範大學。


  • STEM 教育
  • 遠程實驗
  • 技術增強的學習
  • 酸雨
  • STEM education
  • Remote laboratory
  • Technology-enhanced learning
  • Acid rain
  • Alt. title: Remote laboratory system for STEM education: Development and pilot test