
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


課堂學習研究是一種校本行動研究,主要由同科同級的教師針對學生的學習難點,以變易理論為指導設計教學方案,並由不同教師輪流施教、檢討教學成效並提出改善方案。課堂學習研究不但有助於教師的專業發展和提升,而且還利於推動校本課程的開發,包括加深教師對學生學習情況的了解,對現有教學內容和教材進行客觀驗證和有效調整以及激勵教師開發和嘗試新的教學方法和策略。 Learning Study is a form of Action Research that focuses on students’ learning difficulties and judges the effectiveness of teaching based on student learning outcomes. It provides teachers with a structured procedure revolving around collaborative examining existing curriculum materials, planning, delivery and review of a Research Lesson. Participants are generally a group of teachers who teach the same subject and/or year group, and a team of experienced researchers. During the process, teachers develop their capacity as a curriculum developer. Through detailed and scientific diagnostic pre-& post-tests and pre-& post-lesson interviews, teachers’ understanding of their students’ learning is greatly enhanced. Though only one research lesson is involved, teachers need to examine, adapt and improve their existing curriculum, including content, teaching strategies and teaching materials according to their students’ learning. Therefore, Learning Study provides a scientific mode for teachers to develop their school-based curriculum in the long run. Copyright © 2010 江蘇教育研究雜誌社.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)7-11
Issue number10a
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010




  • 課堂學習研究
  • 校本課程
  • 課程發展
  • 行動研究
  • School-based curriculum
  • Curriculum Development
  • Learning study
  • Action research
  • Alt. title: How does learning study enhance school-based curriculum development