
陳健生, 甘國臻, 霍秉坤

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Since 2001, Hong Kong has initiated and adopted a large-scale curriculum reform, of which “assessment for learning” (AfL) is used to best suit the spirit of the reform. AfL, as a significant reform in assessment, has posed a challenge for the traditional examination-oriented assessment in Hong Kong. In essence, AfL promotes the relationship between assessment and learning. It also functions as a way to improve the quality of assessment and thus becomes a significant aspect of improving classroom assessment for schools and teachers. This study aims to explore the implementation of AfL and the challenges met through six case studies. The results found that there were different interpretations and implementation of AfL in school planning, implementation measures, classroom teaching and assessment practice. It showed that the implementation was a top-down strategy and school did not have an in-depth understanding of the concept of AfL and development strategies. Classroom implementation reflected that teachers’ major concerns were summative assessments. Knowledge delivery and test and examinations still prevailed. It showed that there were difficulties and challenges in the implementation of AfL which included the different interpretations of AfL by the school implementers, the difficulties of implementation in individual school contexts and the dominated social values and cultures. Copyright © 2010 高等教育文化事業有限公司.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)69-88
Publication statusPublished - 2010




  • 促進學習的評估
  • 實施
  • 革新
  • Reform
  • Assessment for learning
  • Implementation
  • Alt. title: The reform of “assessment for learning”: School implementation and challenges