
胡少偉, 李少鶴

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


促進學習的評估是近年香港桝育界熱門的專業術語之一。評估能促進學生學習,過程中桝師要善用評估學生 表現的資料,設計出相應的桝與學的措施。為了瞭解這理念在香港小學施行的情況,本文採用個案研究法, 與一所小學數學科科主任作深入訪談,透過解構和整理這些質性資料,勾劃出這所學校近年來在數學科實踐 評估促進學習的經驗,並指出其成功原因及需考慮的發展方向。
“Assessment for learning” is a professional term and familiar with the educators in Hong Kong recently. Assessment improve students’ learning. Teachers analyse the results of students’ performance to design relevant teaching activities and materials. This paper aims to illustrate the practice of this concept in the mathematics subject of a primary school in Hong Kong. The case research method is used and the subject panel of this school has been interviewed deeply. By synthesis the qualitative data of the case, the implementation of the assessment for learning of the mathematics subject in this school is outlined. Meanwhile the main reason of the success of this assessment reform is pointed out and suggestion for further development is enclosed. Copyright © 2009 Hong Kong Teachers' Centre.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)165-171
Publication statusPublished - 2009




  • 促進學習的評估
  • 小學數學科
  • 評估改革
  • Assessment for learning
  • Mathematics subject in primary school
  • Reform in assessment
  • Alt. title: Assessment for learning: The practice of mathematics subject in a primary school