

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)



目的或討論焦點: 本論文指出要小組成員進行有效的互相幫助,人的因素例如成員的價值觀、性格和友誼是不容忽視的。討論的焦點放在構成合作學習的一些元素,包括積極互賴、個人學習績效和小組反思,並探討這些元素如何受到人的因素的影響。



Background: Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy in which students are placed in small heterogeneous groups to learn
and accomplish shared goals by helping each other. Literature generally shows that cooperative learning is more effective than
traditional teaching in improving students’ learning outcomes. The benefit of cooperative learning is not automatic unless students know how to help each other.

Aims or focus of discussion: This paper suggests that for students to help each other effectively, the importance of human
factors such as values, personalities and friendship cannot be neglected. Discussion is focused on some of the elements that
constitute cooperative learning, including positive interdependence, individual accountability and group processing, and how these elements can be affected by the human factors.

Arguments/comments/suggestions: It is commonly agreed that for students to benefit from cooperative learning, those
seeking help are expected to be able to raise critical questions and apply the explanation learnt to a new and related context; those providing help are able to give detailed explanation on the related questions and follow up whether the members being helped are able to apply the explanation learnt to a new and related context. However, human factors can affect the willingness of students to help each other in such a way. The author suggests that students will be more willing to help each other if they share similar value, possess a tolerance personality and become critical friends.

Conclusion: It is probable that the elements that constitute cooperative learning can be affected by human factors. When
practising cooperative learning, the importance of human factors cannot be neglected. Copyright © 2010 教育曙光, 香港教師會.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)136-139
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010




  • 合作學習
  • 人的因素
  • 小班教學
  • Alt. title: Enhancing cooperative learning: Human factors
  • Cooperative learning
  • Human factors
  • Small class teaching