
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


As a neglected literati among the discourses of modern Chinese literature, Hau Ruhua is simply considered a follower of Li Jinfa and one of the young modernist poets. Reviewing the poetry world in Hong Kong in the 1930s, many Hong Kong scholars unveil the activity of Hau Ruhua and manage to promote him to a higher position in the literary world, despite his reputation as a Hong Kong writer is being jeopardized afterward. There are two major focuses of this article: 1) the impact that, starting from poetry magazines, such as Red Bean, the Hong Kong literary world made on the changes of poetry style of Hau Ruhua and the process of determining Hau Ruhua as an important member of modernist poets; 2) the sophistication of the subjectivity of Hong Kong literature led by the response to the doubt about Hau Ruhua's identity. I suggest that the enthusiasm of Hong Kong scholars for the Hau Ruhua study project indicates the anxiety of the Hong Kong literature being neglected. Various discursive strategies are applied in order to resist the oblivion. Although many scholars focus on whether Hau Ruhua is an unignorable writer, the major concern of them actually is whether the subjectivity and the meaning of Hong Kong literature are being neglected. Copyright © 2020 國立臺灣大學中國文學系 & 國立臺灣大學出版中心.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)199-238
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2020




  • 侯汝華
  • 香港文學
  • 現代派
  • 抵抗遺忘
  • 紅豆
  • Hau Ruhua
  • Hong Kong literature
  • Modernist
  • Resist oblivion
  • Red bean
  • Alt. title: The bonding of Hau Ruhua and Hong Kong literature: Further discuss how Hong Kong literature resists the oblivion