
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


In Hong Kong where literary writing has long been peripheral, Dong Qizhang, who concentrates on writing novels in recent years, often ponders over the questions "why write" and "to write or not to write". He therefore created two personae of himself -- Black Rider and Dictator -- in Tiangong kaiwu, Xuxu ruzhen and Shijian fanshi, Yaci zhiguang, examinging their thinking on writing in order to find our for what reasons he insists on writing. This article aims to conduct the inquisition from two perspectives. First, based on Bakhtin's Theory of the Polyphonic Novel, it explains how Black Rider and Dictator, as well as the characters in their stories, embody the characteristics of the polyphonie novel in Tiangong kaiwu, Xuxuruzhen and Shijian fanshi, Yaci zhiguang. It then discusses why Dong thinks that novel authors must take responsibility for the heroes. Second, taking into account the literary ambience in Hong Kong, this article studies Dong's attitude towards Black Rider's choice to "write for himself" and Dictator's choice to "write for others", and how Dong follows out his own writing philosophy by engaging in novel writing. Copyright © 2015 國立臺灣大學出版中心.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication流離與歸屬:二戰後港臺文學與其他
Editors 游勝冠, 熊秉真
Place of Publication臺北市
ISBN (Print)9789863501091
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2015




  • 董啟章
  • 作家身份
  • 巴赫金
  • 複調小說理論
  • Dong Qizhang
  • Identity of writer
  • Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin
  • Theory of the polyphnie novel
  • Alt. title: Inquisition into the epoch-making significance of writing: On Dong Qizhang's introspection of his identity of writer in Tiangongkaiwu, xuxuruzhen and Shijianfanshi, yacizhiguang