
公婷, 楊麗天晴, 肖漢宇

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Despite rich literature in corruption studies, there is scant indepth research on what anti-corruption success means. This article first distinguishes two concepts: anti-corruption effectiveness and anti-corruption measures. The former refers to the output of anti-corruption reform, while the latter concerns the input. It is important to make this distinction because although anti-corruption measures vary considerably, the criteria to gauge the success in controlling corruption are roughly same. We argue that corruption control has its own logic and should pay attention to multi-dimensional governance, civic engagement, and socially-embedded prevention. Only by meeting these three standards, can anti-corruption reform be considered successful. Our analysis draws on the experience of Hong Kong SAR and we adopt the three-dimensional framework outlined above to explore the key elements of anti-corruption success. Copyright © 2018 SSAP.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Title of host publication廉政學研究
Editors 蔣來用, 徐法寅
Place of Publication北京
ISBN (Print)9787520134712
Publication statusPublished - 2018


公婷、楊麗天晴和肖漢宇 (2018):何謂反腐敗的成功?:理論與實踐,輯於蔣來用等主編《廉政學研究》第一輯,(頁 3-23),北京,社會科學文獻出版社。


  • 反腐敗
  • 反腐敗成效
  • 反腐敗措施
  • 腐敗治理社會規範
  • Anti-corruption
  • Effectiveness
  • Governance
  • Social norms
  • Alt. title: What is successful anti-corruption policy?: Theory and practice