

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


面積只有 1,000 多平方公里的香港,居住着逾 700 萬人,地狹人稠,土地有價,加上早年香港政府沒有積極保存古舊建築的政策,導致不少具有歷史價值的建築被拆去,造成無法彌補的損失。但鮮為人知的是,原來香港仍保留了數個開設於十九世紀下半葉及二十世紀初的墳場,位於原址及大致保留原貌,不單見證香港自開埠以來的歷史,部分長眠在這些墳場的人物,更與中國近現代史息息相關,是認識及研究香港及中國近代史的珍貴寶庫,部分墳墓附有墓誌,更為研究歷史人物補充了另類資料。
There are over 7 million people living in Hong Kong. Every inch of land in the city is precious. Since the colonial government had no policy of protecting the valuable historic sites, quite a few of them had been demolished, which causes an irreparable loss to the preservation of the city’s heritage. In contrast, several cemeteries established between the late 19th and early 20th century have been well preserved in Hong Kong, all of which roughly keep the original appearance. These cemeteries witness the history of Hong Kong since its establishment as a free port. Some of the figures who had been buried there were closely related to major events in modern Chinese history. Their tombs are critical to us understanding Hong Kong history and the history of modern China as well. A few of these tombs have epitaphs engraved on their gravestones, providing precious materials for us to study the related historical figures. Copyright © 2021 中華書局(香港)有限公司.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication中國歷史文化教育及研究
Editors 馮志弘, 許國惠, 施仲謀
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9789888760275
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2021




  • 墳場
  • 人物
  • 墓誌
  • 香港史
  • 中國近代史
  • Cemeteries
  • Historical figures
  • Epitaphs
  • Hong Kong history
  • History of modern China
  • Alt. title: Key figures and history: Cemeteries as the alternative Hong Kong heritage figures and history, the alternative heritage: Cemeteries