
高慕蓮, 李子建

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


在學校層面,教師是課程決定的核心人物,教師在教學前或教學時必須做決定。香港中學中文科新修訂的課程自2002年9月在全港各學校推出。整體上,新修訂的中文科課程擴展了教師在課程與教學決定的範圍,亦增加教師參與協作及進行課程決定的機會。 本文是通過五所學校中一級教師參與課程決定的質性研究,了解教師在中文科組內如何參與協作式的課程決定及受哪些因素影響課程決定。初步結果顯示,教師對協作的觀感影響教師參與決定的投入程度,亦間接影響決定課程內容的深度。
In an education system, teachers play a crucial role in making curriculum decisions prior to, or during teaching. The New Edition of the Chinese Language Curriculum was introduced in all secondary schools in Hong Kong in September 2002. The New Edition has extended the work scope of the teachers in their curriculum and teaching decision making. In addition to this, it provides more opportunities for teacher collaboration and curriculum decision making.
The present research started in the second year after the introduction of the New Edition of the Chinese Language Curriculum. By applying qualitative research methods, five schools were chosen as case studies, with the teachers of Secondary One as key informants, to explore the state of teachers’ participation in the curriculum decision making, to understand how the curriculum decisions were made within the Chinese Language panels, and to investigate the factors influencing the decision making. The initial findings revealed that teachers’ perceptions of collaboration may influence the degree of contribution and involvement of the teacher. It will also indirectly affect the decision making of the depth of content. Copyright © 2012 The Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)25-44
Publication statusPublished - 2012




  • 課程決定
  • 協作
  • 課程改革
  • 教學計劃
  • Curriculum decision making
  • Collaboration
  • Curriculum reform
  • Teaching plan
  • Alt. title: Chinese language curriculum reform and the change of teacher working culture: Case studies of curriculum decision-making of Chinese language teachers